Get in touch with your natural born differentiators

We struggle to differentiate in a crowded marketplace. Lawyers, they use their experience to seek solutions at the request of the client. Hairdressers, yes, they cut and style hair. Orange juice producers, they do little more than take the juice from orange and present it in a container. Every business within every marketplace, on paper, can look identical.

The obvious route

So, to stand out, we look to the obvious. We make our message bold. We giveaway valued service, in return for the purchase. We drop our prices. We do, what we believe will grab attention and entice our customer. We make our product standout, whether on the shelf, the search listings or on the sign outside our door.

The smart marketer knows to look inward. To what really matters to their audience.  What appeals to our heart as well as our brain. Do you tell the story of the process, or the story behind the process?

Your natural born differentiators

When you watch the bonus ‘Making of…’ DVD that came with your favourite movie. Does it tell you about the way the scenes were edited and which cameras were used by the film crew? Or, does it tell you about story behind the movie. The storyboards created, the search for location, the ambitions of the director?

A 25% flash sale will turnover more product. A free download will increase your subscriber base. It’s what the consumers brain favours. Their heart will be asking for more.

Within your craft there are natural born differentiators. The reason why you, as a business, exist in the first place. Your heritage, your vision and your people. Your brand. It’s how you wrap those aspects into a story that will win the heart of the consumer you want to reach. It’s how you make your consumer feel, not how you make your consumer act.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

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