Ecommerce SEO
Coaching & Training

For Founders & In-House Teams

I'm here to help take  your Ecommerce SEO skills and success to the next level .

the strategy, the tools & the processes that work for Ecommerce Startups and smaller, growth hungry, businesses with annual store revenues up to £5m.

First things first, you really should not be outsourcing SEO to anybody outside of your organisation. Sure, utilise category experts and build community through the people you collaborate with, but the actual process of optimisation (optimising content to rank, resonate and convert) is an activity you can and should manage in-house. No agencies or consultants needed.

How to successfully manage SEO in-house

your job is to position your brand as THE authority in your marketplace. I'm here to show you how.

Through our work together we'll follow a simple roadmap;

  1. Knowing who you're creating content for
  2. Knowing what content to create
  3. Knowing how to optimise the process to work better, get quicker results and ultimately deliver profitable, consistent ecommerce growth

People are always happy to over-complicate the process of SEO.

The technical angle, backlink building and page structure. All aspects where agencies and consultants have thrived taking these 'challenging and highly specialised tasks' out of the hands of their clients. All of these are outlier elements of your work in SEO and your ability to turn that work into high profit revenue streams for your ecommerce business.

We do NOT need to over-complicate SEO. The foundations are relatively straightforward. You have expert knowledge your customer doesn't. Your customer heads to Google to find a trusted source to help them solve a particular problem. You're the expert in that field. You're their source for knowledge.

So, your job in SEO is to share your knowledge.

To consider and prioritise all the questions that your customers are seeking answers to. And to then figure out how you build a structured process to answering those questions (whilst you manage dozens of other different daily tasks in your job too...).

This is why I teach Lean SEO. It's a technique for quickly learning, through customer insights and data, how to work impactfully and effectively in SEO focused on the subjects that matter and the subjects where you can rank, resonate and convert.

The job of SEO is to get that knowledge found.

This is the process of optimisation: know how to optimise

  • Knowing how to find and use data that focuses your work
  • Knowing how to prioritise and organise your work more effectively
  • Understanding the methods and timeframes to boost ranking for the search queries that matter
  • Optimising pages to better educate visitors to build trust, demonstrate expertise and ultimately increase the likelihood of them purchasing from you
  • Reporting on your work to show the impact you're having on your ecommerce business

Actioning Content First growth strategy... and knowing how to optimise

let's focus in on the work that matters - work that delivers real growth to your ecommerce business

Most attempts at SEO fail due to a lack of structure. Knowing what audience to target, the search queries that matter and the ability to turn those visitors into customers. It's a process of work that most brands simply do not get right. Hence poor ranking and shifting focus to the quick win territory of paid advertising.

I've built and grown ecommerce businesses for over 25 years. As a ecommerce store employee, then owner and now, for the past 15 years as an Ecommerce SEO Coach teaching founders and in-house teams how to prioritise their work and deliver growth-changing results for your ecommerce business.

Lean SEO is the methodology that I teach and help implement. Where we work fast and optimise well. Search intent data sits at the heart of our work. Using that data to understand the motive of the search and the next steps your visitors needs to take in order to buy from you? That's the core of our work together.

Most of my SEO coaching clients are founders or owners of ecommerce brands. They understand the need to build their audience through more profitable, more consistent channels. And let's face it, you also hate seeing your competitors dominate the space you want to own. I get it. I've been there.

How Ecommerce SEO Coaching works

my role, your role and the impact our work has on your ecommerce business.

Is Ecommerce SEO Coaching right for your business right now?

The vast majority of the 375 brands I've worked with are either at startup stage or small ecommerce brands ready to take their business to the next level (without throwing all their profits into Google or Facebook). When I say 'small' brands I mean brands that are currently seeing annual revenues up to £1m. Why don't I work with larger brands? From a personal view point I like to do work that matters. To work with founders and smaller teams because that's where I can make the greater impact on building thriving, deserving ecommerce brands.

Isn't SEO just for established brands?

SEO isn't reserved for the big players. Agile, younger brands are able to work faster, work smarter and still dominate the spaces where you'd expect to see larger brands fenced into the top ranking positions. This simply isn't the case. Being agile and authoritative wins each and every day. Having a story to tell? That's worth it's weight in gold from an SEO perspective.

My job is to provide you all the guidance you need in order to thrive through SEO. I've been in this game for far too long. I know the pitfalls, the weakly actioned 'best practices' that lean to poor results and search failure. I know the processes you need to follow to gain big results through SEO. I'm here to guide you each step of the way as we gather customer insights, search data and begin plotting out how you earn the rankings that drive real business results.

I don't want to hear that you or your team are 'no good at writing'. You run the business. You're good at selling. That's what matters. I can help you turn what you know into a powerful selling platform through the written and video content that you create. Don't worry about your ability to write. That's not an issue.

..."but we're a small team"

Your biggest issue, as always, is time. If you're hiring me as your Ecommerce SEO coach how do you make sure you have the time available to action the strategies that we plan? Again, this is not a problem. I take a lot of the weight off your shoulders. Right now I'm working the founders, just like you, who said they had too little time for SEO. We make this work because we're putting in place Lean SEO techniques that are focused on making SEO work based on the time that you have available. It's always surprising when you look back across a years worth of work to see what you can actually achieve compared to what you thought possible at the beginning.

So. Ready to learn a little more? I work with 10 clients at anyone time. Never are there any brands that are competing for the same space. All our work takes place in confidence. I'm not an agency or junior consultant looking for big name clients and top class testimonials. Your competitors will not know we're working together. That won't be an issue. Pop your details through below, we'll arrange a call and talk through how my Ecommerce SEO Coaching can help you achieve next stage growth for your ecommerce business.