Keyword Clusters: What are they and how do I optimise my SEO using them?

How To Create Keyword Clusters

When you’re tasked to fuel organic growth for your store you’re hit with a series of questions;

  • Do I work on the product page or create long form landing pages that introduce our products?
  • Do I target a specific keyword? If that keyword is far too competitive, what’s plan b?
  • Do I link to multiple products in one article or just focus on the one product?
  • Can you rank us for ‘insert your product category’?

The list goes on.

And the questions are usually answered by asking what is your customers intent? Are they ready to buy? Are they still learning? Are they looking to be inspired? And that answer can be extrapolated again as you consider the numerous reasons why people by your products.

The whole SEO process becomes convoluted and oftentimes is then given a lower priority compared with paid ads where a response to loading the Facebook or Google Ads budget is far quicker. And ecommerce brands desire quick returns.

Use Keyword Clusters:
How to prioritise your SEO work and make sense of the data available to you

However. There is a process you can follow to help simplify and prioritise your content creation. Turn keywords into keyword clusters. Bundle keywords based on intent and context. This can, however, also be a challenge. Using tools like SEMrush or AHREFS you’re presented with 1000’s of keywords or search queries that all look great… that all match your targeting requirements. And then there’s Google Search Console data that presents you with 1000s of terms that are in the impressions rather than the clicks column. What do you do?

KeywordInsights is a fantastic tool that helps you develop your own keyword clusters to create better targeted pages. The integrated AI will also inform you whether to create product pages or long form pages.

You Gather Keywords. You Work In Keyword Clusters.

Using live country-specific data KeywordInsights will allow you to pull all your search query data into their tool which will then create a series of keyword clusters. You’ll discover whether your approach is to create single focused pages or multiple pages defined by user intent. It really is very smart and a hugely valuable method for consolidating keyword data into actionable strategies.

The video below explains the process;

Should you Target Specific Keywords or Keyword Clusters?

The approach you should take for SEO, whether to use keyword clusters or focus on individual keywords, depends on your specific goals, the market category of your ecommerce store (are you providing products that solve problems?) or content, and the competitiveness of your niche. Both approaches have their merits, and in many cases, a combination of both may be the most effective strategy. Here’s a super quick breakdown of each approach to help you decide what keyword focus strategy works best for your ecommerce store (it may be a blend of both):

  1. The case for Individual Keywords:
    • Precision: Focusing on individual keywords allows you to be very precise about targeting specific search terms. This can be particularly useful for highly competitive (10k+ searches a month) or niche keywords (specific to your market).
    • Content Clarity: It can lead to clear and focused content that directly addresses a particular topic, customer problem or query.
    • Ranking: For less competitive keywords, you may have a better chance of ranking higher in search engine results.
  2. The case for Keyword Clusters:
    • Comprehensive Content: By creating content around a cluster of related keywords, you can create more comprehensive and in-depth content that addresses a broader range of user needs. It forms part of a high-impact hub & spoke content creation SEO strategy
    • User Intent: Helps in satisfying diverse user intent. People often use variations of keywords when searching for information.
    • Ranking Benefits: Google’s algorithms have become more sophisticated and focus on context and semantics. Keyword clusters can help you rank for related terms even if you don’t specifically target each one.

Here are some things you need to consider to help you decide:

  1. Keyword Competition: If you’re in a highly competitive industry, focusing on keyword clusters can give you an advantage by capturing a wider audience. If your niche is less competitive, individual keyword targeting may suffice.
  2. Content Quality: Prioritize creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content. Search engines value content that provides value to users. Whether you target individual keywords or clusters, this should be your primary focus.
  3. User Intent: Understand the intent behind the keywords. Sometimes, a single keyword can cover multiple intents, while other times, several keywords may have distinct intents. Tailor your approach accordingly.
  4. Analytics and Testing: Monitor your website’s performance using analytics tools. Test different strategies to see what works best for your specific situation. Over time, you can refine your approach.
  5. Long-Tail Keywords: NEVER forget about long-tail keywords. This is where the money is made. These are often less competitive and can be valuable for driving targeted traffic.
  6. Natural Language and Semantic Search: Keep in mind that search engines are increasingly using natural language processing and semantic search to understand context. This means that focusing solely on exact keywords may become less important over time.

What’s the best direction for your SEO work with keyword clusters? a balanced approach is often the most effective. Start with comprehensive keyword research to identify both individual keywords and clusters that are relevant to your content or website. Then, create high-quality content that addresses user intent, using both strategies as appropriate. Over time, analyse your results and adapt your SEO strategy to meet your specific goals and the ever evolving search landscape.

What is keyword clustering?

Keyword clustering is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to group related keywords together based on their semantic similarity. By clustering keywords, businesses can organize their content around specific topics and improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results. This strategy helps ecommerce brands target relevant keywords and enhance their SEO efforts.

What is a keyword cluster tool?

A keyword clustering tool is a valuable resource for improving ecommerce SEO. By grouping related keywords together, it helps identify key topics and optimize content for better rankings. With a keyword clustering tool, ecommerce brands can enhance their visibility in search results and drive targeted traffic to their websites.

What is the best keyword clustering tool for ecommerce?

Everyone has their favourite tools, this is open to personal preference, however KeywordInsights is the tool I use for my own websites as well as my clients.

Yes, there are free keyword clustering tools that you can find and yes complete SEO packages like SEMrush and Ahrefs both have integrated keyword clustering apps built in to them. I just prefer the focus of your work within Keywordinsights and the ease and speed of valuable keyword access. Plus, the ability to create a content brief for external writers is invaluable.

Learn more about KeywordInsights by accessing your free trial where you can use your own data to begin creating prioritised keyword clusters for you to target today.

Focus Your SEO Strategy Creating Keyword Clusters
Keyword Insights
From $58/mo for basic plan

At the foundation of your SEO strategy is the ability to understand the keywords and search queries that your potential customers are using.

  • Ever run a performance report on Google Search Console?
  • Pulled data from a source such as SEMRush or AHREFS?

you can quickly become overwhelmed by keyword data.

Enter KeywordInsights. is a tool created to help you cluster data (pull unique search keyword data into usable categories). This then sits central to your content strategy as you begin creating landing pages to educate customers and introduce your products. It's a super smart tool I'd highly recommend to anybody tasked with driving organic ecommerce growth.

Register For $1 4-Day Trial

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.