You Have To Start Somewhere

This is new. This is completely new for me. Welcome.

I’ve been hammering away on the keyboard and producing content since 2002. I entered the Digital Marketing world 6 years prior. But, this is new.

I’ve blogged from all angles of digital marketing. Your SEO, Adwords, Affiliate Marketing, Display and so on. I’ve blogged about topics that I believed would attract visitors to my site. A ploy. A ploy to win business. To make people think ‘this guy seems to know what he’s on about, perhaps I’ll give him a call…’

I’d tell you 10 ways to do this… and 10 ways to create that. It was routine and it was a routine that had little association with what I was preaching to my own clients. So I deleted 200+ blog articles.

So… here we are.

A new slate. A clean slate and a slate that will be filled with thoughts, stories and ideas around one central theme. Differentiation. Not a particular platform or mechanism. But building our businesses with purposeful difference.

I spend a lot of time listening to clients who believe in their craft. Individuals within businesses from a multitude of industries who are vying to build their business online. As marketers, they want to get better at what they do. They want to stay ahead of their competition. They want to lead. My advice is always 2 simple words. BREAK CONVENTION.

What do I mean?

Leaders lead. Followers follow. For us all, this is still pioneer’s territory. What works for one business won’t work for another. But, we see a tremendous level of convergence within industry. We’re so focused on what our competitors are doing that we’re picking off ideas and slowly, but surely, converging so that our message, throughout any industry, is the same. With one exception. The unconventionals.

The unconventionals are the businesses that are constantly challenging how they market their business. They’re the leaders. The ones that embrace the relationship with their customers. They truly understand what makes their craft, of offering different, and they focus on delivering an outstanding message.

They’re not led by their industry. They’re led by the motives and ambitions of their audience. They position themselves in the grey.

Through my blog, workshops and consultancy I want to teach you how to master the methods of the unconventionals. How to look at your own business, your own message and your own methods and change the way you market your wares.

So… welcome. Hello again 🙂

This is going to get busy and I have some very exciting plans lined up. I hope you enjoy what you read. I hope that you review the conventions that may be holding back your own business online. Let me know.

Written By:

Ian Rhodes


First employee of an ecommerce startup back in 1998. I've been using building and growing ecommerce brands ever since (including my own). Get weekly growth lessons from my own work delivered to your inbox below.

2 Comments on “You Have To Start Somewhere”

    1. Hey Kathryn – I’m really excited about this project. It’s born out of frustration seeing a range of brands focus all their efforts on pushing their messages rather than planning their messages.

      It seems that real creativity is unleashed when a camera is in hand. I’m hoping to see that level of enthusiasm and creativity from the film production land cascade down to the content world. Not just at corporate big budget level, but through grassroots and small businesses too.

      Thanks for your kind comment and the awesome work you do at Crazy Egg too 🙂

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